

Landscape analysis

Many agendas must be addressed in the countryside: industrialized farming, recreational interests, urbanization, depopulation and nature conservation. If they are addressed separately without keeping an eye on the big picture, we definitely risk losing the interconnectedness and distinctive character of our landscapes.

Gottlieb Paludan Architects performs various types of urban and rural landscape analyses. We have extensive expertise in applying Landscape Character Analysis (LCA) which is a fundamental methodology governing the firm’s approach to landscape analysis.

LCA consists of methodical registration, analysis and assessment of a landscape’s qualities, condition and potential vulnerabilities. This gives us perspective and a basis for taking an overall view whenever rural and urban landscapes are ripe for development. The analytical method is comprehensive and is always adjusted to meet the needs and requirements of each individual project.

Our main task is to ensure that development and changes to a landscape are done through the harmonious interplay of new facilities and the character and qualities of the landscape in question. Gottlieb Paludan Architects uses Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) to develop strategies, and concepts and to design landscapes as well as to integrate large-scale facilities into the landscape. The analysis provides an overall view of the landscape and considers valuable landscape characteristics and protected nature.

Gottlieb Paludan Architects has landscape architects with years of Landscape Analysis experience. We use LCAs for projects subject to general municipal planning and administration and for designing and assessing specific projects. Examples of our analysis tasks include the development of recreational landscapes, development plans for village communities, the siting and design of technical plants, infrastructure, station areas and urban development areas, as well as plans for particularly valuable nature areas and landscapes.

We also conduct analyses relating to EIA reports where they constitute the basis for the architectural firm’s landscape-related, spatial and visual impact assessments of a given project. Our experts have also managed the production of an APROPOS guide on LCA and “Large, contiguous landscapes” in collaboration with the former Danish Nature Agency.



  • Head of Climate Adaption & Landscape, Project Manager
  • Landscape Architect
+45 4171 8298

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