Workplace design
Modern companies and organizations change constantly. They grow, shrink and merge. At the same time, work tasks and ways of working change and the requirement for e.g. knowledge sharing and teamwork on projects are on the increase in many industries. These changes place extra demands on design of workplaces. A good workplace is designed to support the company’s objectives and to ensure high quality of processes and results.
At Gottlieb Paludan Architects, we have extensive experience designing good workplaces. We are often called in when an organization is about to undergo change, large or small, and we facilitate processes that reveal future requirements and possible solutions. We undertake the full spectrum of processes: analysis, organizational structure, space planning, health & safety, drafting, design, technical supervision, interior design, selection of fixtures & fittings and the logistics of moving.
We create solutions that will last. They last because they are tailored to current needs but have the capacity to be adjusted to future changes within the organization. We are the client’s adviser throughout the process and will ensure that the original intentions find expression in the final project.