Small towns wither and die when shops and jobs move away. A building stands empty because the interior is outdated and the energy bill is too high. In many such cases, towns and buildings are left languishing or are demolished. This is a great pity because very often they have potential value which the right transformation can bring out for the benefit of the environment and the owner’s pocket.
At Gottlieb Paludan Architects, we have extensive experience with transformation projects. We revitalize small towns and industrial areas by renewing their purposes and identities. In the same way, we transform industrial buildings so they may be used again or increase in value. Our job consists in ensuring that factors such as layout, accessibility and energy consumption meet modern requirements.
In connection with transformation projects, we conduct structural building surveys and feasibility studies. We draft and design buildable solutions and have wide experience in managing complex construction projects in existing buildings and plants. It is very important to us to develop solutions that will live up to future users’ requirements and reflect the client’s wishes and values.
Under the Industrial PhD Programme, Gottlieb Paludan Architects has employed a PhD fellow who researches transformation and develops historical, technical and aesthetic analysis tools as well as methods of evaluation for existing buildings. Thus, the advice we provide within transformation is based on both comprehensive experience and targeted research.