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Graphic decoration of DSB S-train stations

Gottlieb Paludan Architects decorated a number of S-train stations with graphical motifs to prevent graffiti and other types of vandalism.

As part of the ongoing renovation of the Danish capital’s S-train stations, Gottlieb Paludan Architects has developed graphic wall decoration, aimed at preventing graffiti and vandalism.

The decoration is set up in places usually prone to vandalism and is protected by plastic plates or printed on anti-graffiti film to facilitate removal of any graffiti.

All graphic motifs were inspired by the local area’s destinations or history and are more or less abstract, which prolongs the service life and relevance of the decoration. For instance, the architects studied the history of the local area near Peter Bangs Vej Station, and were inspired by the many musicians who have performed at venues such as KB Hallen and Falconer Concert Hall, while Bagsværd Station displays graphically processed pictures of Bagsværd Lake.

The project will continue at stations that are up for renovation in the future or where there is an urgent need to prevent vandalism.

Photos: Gottlieb Paludan Architects

Project location