Landscape plan for urban solar park
A climate-adapted energy landscape rich in nature and recreation, combining green solar energy production with new nature, groundwater protection, tourist attractions, urban development, research and education.
Gottlieb Paludan Architects is behind the landscape plan for the transformation of an agricultural landscape into an energy landscape, combining the production of green solar energy with the creation of new nature and recreational areas. The strict lines of the existing agricultural landscape are reapplied as the structure of the solar farm, where future fields are covered by solar cells and grazed by animals. New wetlands, forrest wedges and parklands are connected with nearby nature reserves, creating a new organic network across the solar park.
The network contributes to the protection of groundwater and offers recreational activities, themed path connections, nature development, biodiversity enhancement, carbon capture, education about green solutions and a robust structure for rainwater management. The green structure links to future urban and business development areas and divides the solar park into smaller areas to minimise the appearance of the technical areas.
The project includes proposals for a visitor centre and viewing tower as well as experimental laboratories, that can be used to teach green energy and biodiversity to local schools. The project also proposes an Innovation Wedge, where businesses, organisations, universities, etc. can drive research and innovation to develop green solutions and green technology directly related to the solar park and the city.
Visualizations: Gottlieb Paludan Architects