Høje Taastrup Waterworks
Gottlieb Paludan Architects designed and planned Snubbekorsgård Waterworks commissioned by Høje Taastrup Local Authority, west of Copenhagen.
In addition to the traditional waterworks installations, Snubbekorsgård has visiting and education facilities used in the main by local schools to provide the teachers with the opportunity to include first-hand experiences and knowledge about the water environment and water resources in their teaching. The water treatment room is designed and organized for tours with reservoirs that make up parapets covered by treatment filters and glass superstructures. For this aspect of the design, the waterworks was awarded the Danish environmental prize ‘Kloge Kvadratmeter-pris’ (Intelligent m² Award) in 2007.
Snubbekorsgård is bordered by a living fence; the building is oriented towards the open landscape and with its large sloping roof, the structure reflects the curves of the gently undulating surroundings.
Photos: Gottlieb Paludan Architects