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Landscape & Planning

The Fortification Canal in Kgs. Lyngby

Gottlieb Paludan Architects provides landscape-architectural consulting for the restoration of Fæstningskanalen (the Fortification Canal) near Kgs. Lyngby.

Fæstningskanalen (the Fortification Canal) is regaining contemporary significance as an important part of the town’s strategy for adapting to climate change and as a new thoroughfare for urban life.

Fæstningskanalen becomes a blue-green structure spatially and visually linking the centre of Kgs. Lyngby with the surrounding buildings, the Ermelundskilen nature area and Jægersborg Deer Park. Wherever the canal intersects existing infrastructure poses a particular challenge. The same applies to the management of the canal’s historical significance, as it was originally part of Copenhagen’s fortifications. The project deals with spaces of differing character along the restored fortification canal. Together, they effect the transition between the dense town centre and the countryside.

The restored fortification canal superimposes a recreational andscape on the functional landscape and calls forth an aesthetically appealing and variable area. The reopening of the canal and the Water Sensitive Urban Design system in the catchment area replaces having to construct new – or enlarge existing – rainwater catchment reservoirs and drainage systems. In addition to providing a number of options to be near water, the project also creates new, recreational and secure routes through the town

Visualizations: Gottlieb Paludan Architects 

Project location