Footbridge over Jyllingevej, Copenhagen
Gottlieb Paludan Architects are the architects behind the refurbishment of a pedestrian bridge over Jyllingevej at Jyllingevej Station in Copenhagen, aimed at enhancing safety and security for bus and S-train passengers.
Built in 1976, the footbridge provides a necessary connection between the Jyllingevej S-train station and a bus line along Jyllingevej. Users feel unsafe crossing the bridge and the municipality wants to ensure a safe and positive experience for bus and S-train passengers in the future.
The task is solved by simple means: The roof of the footbridge is removed and on the platform, one side of the bridge is lowered while the other is maintained at full height, due to this sides’ small distance to the s-train tracks. This will open up the footbridge and the steps leading down while preserving the actual structure. The old wooden cladding on the sides of the bridge will be replaced by profiled aluminium sheeting which is both more durable and graffiti-resistant. Varied lighting is established along the bridge and staircase entrances, which will ensure a safe and positive experience for passengers using the bridge at night.
These may be simple measures, but they create greater overview, better lighting and improved accessibility – in all; essential changes that enhance a feeling of security for commuters.
The project is a collaboration with SWECO, and passengers are expected to be able to cross Jyllingevej safely and securely from 2021.