

GPA to design ground-breaking water house


The utility company, Energiforsyningen, in the coastal town of Køge southwest of Copenhagen has decided to create a future-proof water house which will combine the production of clean drinking water with research, learning and play with water. Following a project competition, the members of the consultancy team have been nominated: Krüger will be the full-service adviser, while Gottlieb Paludan Architects and EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører will be the sub-consultants in charge of planning and producing the preliminary drawings for the project.

The new water house will include a waterworks and a water test centre with research and teaching facilities as well as a water park where visitors of all ages can play with and learn about water. In addition, the water house will become the premises of the utility company’s domicile and provide an unusual and exciting new place of work for the company’s employees. The water house is slated for completion in the autumn of 2016.