Gottlieb Paludan Architects to design new bridge over Törne Älv in northern Sweden
11.07.2022Gottlieb Paludan Architects has designed a new bridge over Torne Älv in Norbotten, Sweden, in collaboration with AFRY. The bridge will replace an existing, worn out bridge and is part of Trafikverket's plan to develop more sustainable ore transport.
The condition of the existing bridge has led to restrictions and limitations on the transport of ore from the nearby Kaunisvaara mine, why Trafikverket has decided to replace the bridge. The new bridge will be designed to cope with loads from 90 tonnes trucks fully loaded with ore, crossing the bridge every few minutes - 24 hours a day, all year round. This will improve the capacity of the bridge and contribute to more sustainable freight transport.
Gottlieb Paludan Architects' design work has taken its starting point in the major structural and functional requirements, focusing on minimising the use of concrete and on processing the bridge's encounter with the surrounding landscape. This includes the design of the bridge abutments - the bridge's meeting with the river banks - and the design of the bridge piers, which must be able to withstand the big loads that occur when large ice floes loosen in the river in spring.
To allow traffic to cross the Torne Elv during construction, a temporary bridge will first be built. Construction of the temporary bridge is expected to start in autumn/winter 2022, and the temporary bridge will be torn down when the new bridge is completed in 2025. Construction of the new bridge is expected to start in 2023.