Cutting the first sod for BIO4
05.09.2016Thursday 1 September 2016 was a milestone in Copenhagen Local Authority’s vision to become the world’s first CO2-neutral capital. Lord Mayor of the City of Copenhagen Frank Jensen and Mayor for Technical and Environmental Affairs of the City of Copenhagen Morten Kabell together with the Greater Copenhagen utility company HOFOR’s chairman and CEO Leo Larsen cut the first sod for the new CHP unit, called BIO4, at Amagerværket, which will supply the Greater Copenhagen area with district heating generated from sustainable biomass.
In 2015, GPA won the invited competition to design a new biomass-fired CHP unit and develop a master plan for the power station site at Amager. The project, which was created in collaboration with Møller & Grønborg and Speirs + Major, has now been launched and is slated for completion in 2020. The new unit will replace Amagerværket’s oldest, coal-fired unit; BIO4 will be a highly effective, woodchip-fired unit which will supply about 25 per cent of the heating demand in the Greater Copenhagen area.
Green landmark and excursion spot
GPA’s design will turn BIO4 into a beacon for sustainable heat production and an excursion spot for tourists and Copenhageners alike. Visitors are invited to move through the forest of tree trunks via a spectacular staircase, from which a glimpse may be caught of the sustainable energy production. The stairs lead to a viewing platform rich in plants some forty metres off the ground, affording a unique view of the city.
The world’s first C02-neutral capital
The new biomass-fired unit will be fitted with the most up-to-date technology which will ensure effective utilization of resources, and BIO4 will cover some 25 per cent of the heating demand in the Greater Copenhagen area. The shift from coal to biofuel will save around one million tonnes of CO2, corresponding to the emissions of 500,000 private cars. The project contributes to facilitating the CO2-neutral target formulated by Copenhagen Local Authority and thereby its vision to become the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025.